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[JAILBREAK] Server Rules & Staff Guidelines
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TOPIC: [JAILBREAK] Server Rules & Staff Guidelines

[JAILBREAK] Server Rules & Staff Guidelines 10 years, 7 months ago #174878

These rules are modified for the FP Jailbreak server. If you break these rules multiple times, an admin reserves the right to ban you.

Basic Rules:
1. Do NOT hack or abuse exploits.
- Do NOT dupe/throw knives or cook grenades.
2. Do NOT Mic Spam, Chat Spam, or PM Spam.
- Do NOT Play Music or Sing in your mic, unless the Warden allows it.
3. Do NOT talk over the Warden.
4. Do NOT use excessive profanity or Racial/Homophobic slurs/insults.
5. No ghosting, advertising, or inappropriate sprays.
6. Do NOT impersonate or disrespect another player.

Scenario Rules:
1. The first playable day is always a Freeday.
2. If Jail Cells are not open by 8:30, or are opened before orders are given, it is a Freeday.
3. If there are more Guards than Prisoners, or teams are equal - at the start of the round - it’s a Freeday.
4. Any Prisoner in the armory or vents leading to it are rebels.
- Some map areas have specific KOS areas. (See here)
5. Areas only accessible by going through a KOSable Area are also KOS.
6. If a Prisoner opens cells, orders are still intact so long as they were given before cells opened.
7. Once the cell doors have been opened, they must remain open for the duration of the round.
8. If a Prisoner rebels and the Warden is killed, the Prisoner is still a rebel.
9. Preventing armory doors from closing is KOS.
10 Unless stated otherwise by the Warden, Wardays begin at 6:00.
11 No more than 1 Warday every 5 rounds.
12 When the Warden states that Prisoners must stay crouched, they may stand to type in chat - unless stated otherwise by theWarden.
13 The Warden does NOT have to say "No Detours or Delays"; it is already implied.

General Rules:
1. Do NOT camp the infirmary.
2. Do NOT camp one-time accessible areas, as well as areas that prevent other players from getting to the same location.
3. Do NOT click yes, when you are asked “Do you have a mic?”, if you don’t plan on using it or it isn't working properly.
4. Do NOT spam the cell doors.
5. Do NOT use props to go to, or punch players onto, otherwise inaccessible areas.
6. Do NOT use props to block doorways.
7. Do NOT use props to kill/harm other players.
8. Do NOT block doors from opening/closing with your body.
9. Do NOT suggest RDM/Freekilling to other players.
10. Do NOT kill teammates during an LR.
11. Do NOT delay during an LR.
12. Last Requests must be played right: No Rebelling or Cheating. (Rocket Toss, etc.)
13. Do NOT use the infirmary during a Last Request, unless another Guard interferes and damages the Prisoner.
14. Players may not use fists/props to harm/kill fellow teammates.
15. Players may not camp in, or block, teleport exits.

Prisoner Rules:
1. Prisoners that spawn out of their cell may not press the cell door button.
2. During a Last Request, the Prisoner may not intentionally attempt to kill/hurt non-participating Guards.
3. Prisoners MUST choose an LR within 30 seconds, or they may be slain for delaying the next round - unless they choose to rebel instead.
4. There is no Last Request on Wardays. If you choose a Last Request on a Warday, you will be slain.
5. Prisoners may NOT use fists/props to push fellow teammates into KOSable areas.
6. If a Prisoner chooses to rebel AFTER becoming the last Prisoner, he may NOT choose a Last Request.

Guard Rules:
1. Guards may NOT camp in Armory, Vents, Infirmary, or any KOSable area (Does not apply to WarDays).
2. Guards may NOT camp in any area, unless under attack, if there are less than 5 Prisoners left.
3. Guards may NOT open the cells until the Warden gives orders, unless he has no mic, isn't using his mic, or dies.
4. Guards, may NOT force a Prisoner into a death trap with the intent to kill him.
5. Guards may NOT spam props.
6. On a Freeday, Guards may NOT give any restrictions or orders to Prisoners, unless it involves telling them to drop/holster their weapon.
7. Guards may NOT trap Prisoners in an area on a Freeday.
8. If a Prisoner is blocking an entrance with his body, a Guard must give him a 3 second warning for him to move, before shooting.
9. Guards may NOT tell Prisoners to go into a KOSable area, with the intention of killing them once they enter it.
10. Guards may NOT harm/kill Prisoners without reason.
11. If a Prisoner doesn't drop their gun 3 seconds after a warning, you may kill them.
12. If a Prisoner is pointing/firing a Gun at you or another Guard, you may kill them.
13. Prisoners may have smoke and flash grenades, but using them is KOS.
14. Having knives, and smoke and flash grenades is NOT KOS; however, Guards may tell Prisoners to holster them and must give a 3 second warning before shooting.
15. Guards must warn Prisoners to drop their Weapon (Primary, Secondary, Frag), before shooting, unless it is unholstered.
16. The last Guard may kill any Prisoner with any gun, holstered or not.
17. Guards may NOT give a Prisoner a gun (Gunplanting).
18. Guards may NOT bait. (Getting within knifing distance of Prisoners.)
19. Guards may NOT interfere during Last Request if they are not part of it.
20. Guards must listen to the orders given by the Warden.
21. Do NOT randomly stun stick other players; unless playing a game.

Warden Rules:
1. If the Warden dies, it is a Freeday - unless it is a Warday.
2.The Warden may NOT use text commands, unless he has a mic and players can't understand him clearly.
3. The Warden must repeat orders if asked before cells open.
4. The Warden may NOT tell players to break rules.
5. The Warden may NOT force the Prisoners to stay in an area for more than 2 minutes, without doing some sort of activity (Ex: CellDay, SitInThisRoomAndDoNothingDay, Walk around this area and do nothing else, etc.)
6. The Warden must ask the Prisoners whether they know how to play a specific game, before attempting to play it.
7. If more than 3 Prisoners are alive, the Warden may NOT play a game that involves the definitive death of all but 1 Prisoner. (Ex: First to type "2" lives, everyone else dies.)
8. The Warden must repeat orders if asked; he only needs to repeat a set of orders three separate times as long as at least three Prisoners understand.
9. The Warden may NOT give orders that would intentionally and decisively kill the Guards. (Ex.Go jump in this pit, Go jump off the ledge, Type kill in the console, etc.)
10. The Warden can NOT disallow text chat.

Map Specific:
1. "Special" Days on Parabellum are automatically Freedays.
2. Guards in the special room in Parabellum must ask the Warden before choosing an option.

If you have any rules to suggest please post them here. Have fun playing on the server!
  • EMP
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Last Edit: 10 years, 3 months ago by EMP.
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Re: [JAILBREAK] Server Rules 10 years, 3 months ago #197474

A comprehensive guide detailing how and when to use certain powers.

Administrative Guidelines:

1. You MUST wear the |FP| tag.
2. You may NOT be a staff member in another community.
3. You may NOT break rules on other FP servers.

Code of Conduct:

1. ALWAYS be friendly.
2. Do NOT stoop to immature levels.
3. Your powers are NOT for your enjoyment. They are for regulating rules.
4. Do NOT let emotions interfere with your administration abilities.
5. ALWAYS tell someone you've punished them and why.
6. You MUST give equal punishment. No “friend” privileges.
7. You may NOT use favoritism.
8. You are NOT above the rules. You MUST still be punished for breaking rules.
9. Do NOT enforce any kind of rules that are not listed in this rule list.
If you are unsure of any rule, ask either a Super Admin or Owner.
10. You are NOT allowed to respawn yourself for any comical reason or to “watch” over players.
11. Do NOT argue against any other Staff Member.
Report problems to either a Super Admin or Owner.
12. Do NOT interfere with another Staff Member's work unless they ask you to.
Report possible abusive behavior to either a Super Admin or Owner.
13. You are expected to play normally on the server; you are NOT to consider yourself an “admin on duty”.

Staff Powers:

1. ChatMute - Prevents a player from using text chat. (This command is to be used if the player is spamming chat or using offensive language AFTER they have been warned.)
2. VoiceMute (Global Mute) - Prevents a player from using voice chat on the server. (This command is to be used if the player is mic spamming or using in-appropriate language in the server AFTER they have been warned.)
3. Slap - Hurts a player a number of times for a certain amount of damage. Note: when using this command on a guard as a prisoner its better to use the Ignite command.
4. Ignite - Sets a player on fire.
5. Freeze - Prevents a player from moving. (This command is typically not used often.)
6. Slay - Kills a player.

1. “ “
2. SetTeam- Switches the team of the player.
3. Kick - Removes a player from the server. (Do NOT kick a rule breaker out of nowhere. Try to warn the player before kicking.)
4. Teleport / Go To / Bring - Teleports a player to a specific position.
5. Spectate - This command will replace your screen with the player's, and you will see everything that the person sees in game, including their weapon.
6. Jail - Puts a cage around a player in which he cannot leave.
7. Say - Sends a message in chat to everyone on the server. (This command is to be used ONLY for major problems and talking to multiple players during the round. If you need to question an RDMER do so during the round intermission.)

1. “ “
2. Ragdoll - The Ragdoll command has 3 different options: Kick, Ragdoll, and Hang.
- Kick - This will spawn a combine behind the player, and it will kick the player, launching them a far distance across the area. This command can be used as a warning.
- Ragdoll - This will literally turn the player into a ragdoll, allowing the user to do as they please to it, such as posing.
- Hang - This will hang a ragdoll'd player on a post.
3. Ban - Prevents a player from joining the server for a specific amount of time. (It's best to try and give warnings, and kicks before banning somebody.
Always check the banlist and make sure the ban is correct. Make sure to type an appropriate reason (If someone RDMs 4 people, then type “RDM x4”): be exact!)

4. UnBan – Removes or edits a player's ban.
(Unless directed by an Super Administrator or the Administrator who banned the player, you are only allowed to manage YOUR bans.)
5. Clean Up Server - Removes all spawned props from the server.
6. Clear Decals - Clicking this twice will clear all sprays, blood, etc. on the server.
7. SetHealth – Sets a player's health.
8. StripWeapons - Removes a player's weapons.
(Be careful, this also removes their hands and makes them a potato.)

Super Admin:
1. Cloak – Grants a player invisibility. (It should only be used when investigating a violation of the rules.)
2. God – Prevents a player from taking damage. (It should only be used when investigating a violation of the rules.)
3. Set NoClip – Allows the player its used on to fly around, and go through walls.
4. Rcon – Used to access some server-specific commands. (Unless other wise directed by a Owner, users are only allowed to use this command "changelevel <mapname>"(Used for switching maps).)
5. GiveWeapon – Using this command will present the user with a list of all weapons on the server.
6. SetAccess – Sets the powers of the player its used on. This Command is only to be used on players who have received legitimate promotion/demotion during the monthly meeting.
7. Give Physgun - Quickly gives a player a physgun. Only to be used on yourself.
8. Anti-Cheat Request - Gets a screenshot of the player's screen.

NOTE: Admin settings - Users are not permitted to change any of the settings in there.

Chat / Mic Issues:
Generally, mute a player until the round ends. If repetitive, then mute longer.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd - 3rd Offense: ChatMute / VoiceMute
4th Offense: Kick
5th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 3 weeks)

When a player is suspected of being AFK, ask him whether he is AFK or not. If he doesn't respond, then proceed to either ignite or slap him for a reasonable amount of time to get his attention.
You can spectate players to confirm that they are AFK. Do the same for other staff members as well.

1st Offense: Slay
2nd Offense: Kick

Camping / Inaccessible Areas:
Typically, you should ignite / slap a player until he leaves the area.
You can spectate players to confirm that they are the ones camping the area.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd - 3rd Offense: Ignite / Slap
4th Offense: Kick
5th Offense: Short Ban (1/2 – 2 Weeks)

Prop Spamming / Blocking:
Prop Spamming is when a player spawns numerous unneccessary props in a single area. Prop Blocking is when a player uses props to block an area or player.
The "Clean up Server" command can be used to remove props. Also, you may ask the offender to manually move them himself.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Slay
3rd Offense: Kick
4th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 2 Weeks)

Random Damage:
Typically, when a player damages another player, either slay, ignite, or sethealth him to similar damage.
If damage is greater than 25 HP, you should slay.

1st - 3rd Offense: Damage / Slay
4th Offense: Kick
5th Offense: Ban (1 – 3 Weeks)

Interfering w/ Last Request:

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Freeze, Jail, Ignite, Slap, SetHealth
3rd - 4th Offense: Slay
5th Offense: Kick
6th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 3 Weeks)

Broken Last Request:
If a Prisoner chooses a broken Last Request and he and the guard he chooses can't move; freeze and unfreeze them both to fix it. Then, ask the Prisoner to choose a different LR.

Last Request TimeFrame:
Once a prisoner is able to use his Last Request, announce it to him. If he hasn't chosen one after 30 seconds, then slay him - unless he is currently in the process of choosing one, or he is rebelling instead.

Numerous RDM:
If you see it and know that it was RDM, slay him. If you're not sure or another player claims he was RDM'd, ask the player why he killed him.
Ask two or three times; if unresponsive, then slay. If answer is invalid, then slay. You may not "pick" sides. If both sides state different, yet reasonable arguments, then you do nothing.

1st - 3rd Offense: Slay
4th Offense: Kick
5th Offense: Ban (1 – 4 Weeks)

Mass RDM:
This is when a player RDMs x3 or more players in a single round.

BanTime = RDM'd x Week

RDM and Leave:
This is when a player RDMs a player and leaves the server before being punished.

BanTime = RDM'd x Week

Prop Kill:
Using any sort of prop to kill another player.

1st – 2nd Offense: Slay
3rd Offense: Kick
4th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 3 Week)

Gun Planting:
This is when a Guard gives to or drops his gun near a Prisoner.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Strip Weapons / Slay
3rd Offense: Slay
4th Offense: Kick
5th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 3 Weeks)

This is when a Guard stands within punching distance of a Prisoner in an attempt to get him to attack him and rebel.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Ignite / Slap
3rd Offense: Slay
4th Offense: Kick
5th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 3 Weeks)

Item Duping / Throwing Knives / Grenade Cooking:
Duping is when a player drops a grenade or knife and picks it back up – gaining multiples. A player throws a knife when he has multiples and right-clicks. Grenade Cooking is when a player has a grenade and holds right click before throwing to shorten the detonation fuse.

1st Offense: Warning
2nd - 3rd Offense: Slay
4th Offense: Kick
5th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 3 Weeks)

Warden w/out Mic:
If a player who either doesn't have a mic or won't use his mic becomes a warden, tell him to change his team. If he doesn't, you may TeamSwitch him.

Make sure you are ABSOLUTELY positive. NO maybes.

ANY Offense: Ban (Permanent)

Inappropriate Sprays:
Inappropriate sprays include: nudity, racism, extreme gore, inappropriate language, etc.
You may use the "Remove Decals" command to remove sprays.

1st Offense: Warning, ask to change
2nd Offense: Kick
3rd Offense: Ban (Permanent)

Late Opening of Cells:
If the cells aren't open by 8:30, begin the punishment process with the Warden. If the warden is dead, begin the process with other Guards.
You can use the spectate command to confirm whether the warden/guard is attempting to open the cells.

1st Notice: Warning
2nd Notice: Slap / Ignite
3rd Notice: Slay

Early Opening of Cells:
If a guard opens the cells before the warden gives orders, then:

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Slay
3rd Offense: Kick
4th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 3 Weeks)

If a prisoner chooses a Last Request either during a WarDay or to avoid being killed after rebelling, then slay him. If a Warden attempts to either give orders during a FreeDay or have more than one WarDay within 5 rounds then:

1st Notice: Warning
2nd Notice: Slay

Closing Cell Doors:
If a player closes the cell doors, then:

1st Offense: Warning
2nd - 3rd Offense: Slay
4th Offense: Kick
5th Offense: Ban (1/2 – 2 Weeks)

Teleport Situations:
If a player either spawns in a wall or is stuck in another player, then teleport him out. If a player spawns our of his cell, then teleport him into a cell.

If you wrongfully damage / slay a player, you need to apologize and do the same to yourself. While it is possible to respawn someone who is wrongfully slain, it's much easier to simply punish yourself. If you intend to respawn the player, make sure you also teleport him back to where he was.

Forum Ban-Requests:
When fulfilling a ban Request on the forums, always make sure the steamID is correct by verifying it on SteamIDFinder.com. Be sure to check all evidence before making a decision. If necessary, ask one of the Owners to check the Server Logs. Whenever you make your final decision, always post the amount of time the player will be banned for, as well as the exact reason.

Typically, anywhere between 5 to 10 hours of playtime per week is pretty decent. Going under the recommended amount of playtime won't necessarily get you demoted. However, note that having little activity in over a month without notice may prompt for demotion.


- If a player breaks numerous rules, such as (Trolling, Mic Spam, RDM, etc.), the reasons may be combined for an extended ban.
- Please note that staff members still need evidence when requesting a ban on another player. If a moderator asks you to get on the server and ban a player, he MUST have evidence.
If he was trustworthy enough to administer bans, he would have the powers himself.
- Typing “status” in the console will display the SteamIDs of everyone on the server.
- Let Staff involved with a particular problem handle it themself; unless they ask for help.
- Only one Staff is needed to question someone; unless they ask for help.
- Situations not listed in this post WILL occur! Use a relatively appropriate action when responding.
- Don't be afraid to ask another staff member for help!

Console Commands:

jb_print - Prints damage logs for the round
- Only usable during intermission for non-staff.
jb_physgun 0/1 - Disallows / Allows spawning with physgun.
- Only works for Super Admins.
jb_remove_spawned - Removes the spawned prop you're aiming at.
jb_spawned_ent disco - Spawns a disco.
- Only works for Super Admins.
jb_mapvote - Starts a mapvote.
- Only works for Super Admins.
jb_mapvote_stop - Stops a mapvote.
- Only works for Super Admins.

Chat Commands:

/gift - Rolls for a random gift from Santa.
/mic & /nomic - Enables / Disables chance to become Warden.
/drop & /dropweapon - Drops your current weapon.


Baiting - When a Guard stands within punching distance of a Prisoner in an attempt to get him to attack him and rebel.
Gun Planting - When a Guard either gives a gun to, or drops a gun near, a Prisoner.
RDM (Random Death Match) – Killing another player without sufficient reason.
Accidental RDM is still RDM. Players are responsible for their mistakes.
Mass RDM – RDM x3 or more.
RDM and Leave – Rdming player(s) and then leaving the server before being punished.
Avoiding Punishment – Being chatmuted, voicemuted, frozen, or jailed and then leaving and rejoining the server to relinquish your punishment.
Ghosting – When a dead player gives living players information about other living players.
LR (Last Request) – A list of options that allows the last Prisoner a chance to kill Guards.
Dupe (Duplicate) – Using an exploit – a means of dropping and picking back up – to get more of an item.
Phase – Using an exploit to walk through doors.
  • JayHawk
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