What will you do with my Steam account?

With the next Big RP updates coming later this year, you can link your steam account to enable tons of great new features.

When you link your steam account to Friendly Players, we will collect public information about you in order to enable some great new features. We will not store your username or password, rather a unique numeric identifier will be stored. You should never enter your Steam login credentials into a third party website!

The following information may be collected and stored:

  • Your steam account name, online state, privacy state, steam avatar and VAC information.
  • Member since date, steam rating and hours played details.
  • All other public information on your account such as account headline, description, games played and groups membership data.
  • A unique numeric identifier which identifies your steam account.

Friendly Players

The Friendly Players Community:

  • Great Fun (every day)
  • New Events and competitions
  • All ages welcome join today!
  • Sign up is easy!

Got a suggestion?

  • Do you have a bright idea or suggestion for one of our servers or for the community itself? Post it in the forum!

    Friendly Players Forum

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We're looking for server admins

  • Do you think you could help out on any of our servers as a new administrator? We're always looking for great new talent to join our team and help expand our community.
  • Our team is growing all the time, post an application over in the Forums for your favorite server and we will look through it in our monthly team meeting. Good Luck!

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