Steam name: |FP| Kzulu
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:46800792 Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198053867312/ Age: 16 I'm from Utah in the U.S. Member of friendly players group? Yes, for a while now. Time spent on server: 148 hours as of now. Time spent in FP: About 2-2.5 years. Microphone: Yes, sometimes I don't though. Why me? Well I have spent a ton of time on FP on different servers and of course I bet a large number of you had seen my Member application for rp, but I decided I would go to a server that I would be a better help to. Ultimately I decided that I would have more fun and be more use on TTT, although they are both empty I understand the rules and little quirks of the ttt server better than the rp server. So in finality I would like to be a trusted so I can help out the ttt server and not necessarily make it a better place because I don't know if I can make it better than it is. |
Last Edit: 9 years, 12 months ago by Kzulu.
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I remember you playing a few months ago and you were awesome. Just keep active and yous good |
Do people still come on here? TTT When LMAO
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Usually, I don't post in topics other than SS:RP however, Kzulu is an exception <3
+Support -Great player in RP respectful and mature etc |
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Glad to see you back man! With a few of our other Admins leaving, it's opened up some space for people. Besides Kzulu's cool |
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Bumping and saying I now have 148 hours rather than what I used to have. I will also edit it though.
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+support Kzulu is a great guy and would make a good addition to the staff team.
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