Moonshine Faction Hello everybody, I am Wallcop, a Zarp staff member (Info and stuff linked to my name) I have created a new Minecraft faction called moonshine. Its a work in progress at the mo but everyone who is a member is welcome to pitch into the effort of building this gang up. Application Template Name:
IG Name:
Steam Profile:
Minecraft Experience:
What can you bring to the faction?
Time spent on the Minecraft server:
Promotion Application Template Name:
IG Name:
Steam Profile:
Faction Experience:
Why you?
Time spent in the Faction:
Ally Template Faction Name:
Why you?
Rules: 1. Play Fair (All users must obey sever rules at all times) 2. Have fun 3. Be respectful 4. Follow commands from Superiors Ranks Owner: Wallcop Officers: P0rtalSh0oter (Byome) LineLiar Members: Allies Dynamic Chronic Legion Truced Bobbys UNITY Delongs Enemies None Official Faction Banner |
Last Edit: 9 years, 6 months ago by wallcop100.
Application looks sexy
Would love to ally with you, is there a template? |
KapiJam wrote:
Application looks sexy Would love to ally with you, is there a template? Caught me out there. -Added one. Go ahead! |
Faction Name: Chronic Legion
Why you? We would like to ally as I believe we would both benefit out of this Alliance in many ways such as using my faction's power and your organization skills we could become very powerful Factions. We also have a common Ally as Dynamic were our first Allies and I believe many great things could happen if our Faction became Allied. If the Alliance is accepted we will also provide you with a gift of 30 Diamonds. |
Name: flemming
IG Name: flemming_44 Steam Profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058592552/ Minecraft Experience: yes What can you bring to the faction? : i can do big jimmjeljames headshotters on mushroom cowwel 100 % aim 0 % brain ;; || voilalala Time spent on the Minecraft server: 4 |
Alliance Results:
Chronic Legions Accepted Application Results flemming_44 Denied A big congratulations to Portal and LineLiar for becoming our new officers. |
Last Edit: 9 years, 6 months ago by wallcop100.
but bby, aren't the delonges truced?
Bert Macklin FIB wrote:
but bby, aren't the delonges truced? Aye. Sorry bud. Added. |