Hello as you all know i have contributed a server to Friendly Players and i am already thinking about getting either another 1 or 2 servers now if i was to do this what Game would it be and modification would it be if needed...
Let me know as soon as possible..Thanks |
Get a DOD SERVER ! lololol or TF2
I think you should make it like zombie survival or something like that!! It would make a change and it would be awesome! |
The Original '08 Crew
Chute, Ash, Gunkz, Vistash, Jaydix, Biffjab, Vodka, Slashcross, Siblin, Blue Dragon, Jam, Awouk, Gannsi, Mr Fist, Sarr, Zok, Kirkjoak, Luke, Trist, Kira, Zenox, Pepper, Kirrimir, Psyc0w, skippy, Cok3, Milktree, Biotech, TheScottishFag, Lmaology, Boobiez, Alex, kycro, Scawn, BYAKIRA, Limpy (Assassin), Garrysbam, Carbin, Yougo, RICK ROLL, DEAD POOL, Mookie, Poison, Profetitus, Ritave, Failcake, Progamer, Blah, Keenan, Lutamel, Mynamesucks, Chris, Scorpio, Max, Kepling, Coltom, Billi, Joshua0Driscoll, Tuvan, Puma, Zynko. |
Zombie horde is good
Maybe a different RP gamemode?? Cider is supposed to be good (SLASHCROSS TOLD ME) |
The Original '08 Crew
Chute, Ash, Gunkz, Vistash, Jaydix, Biffjab, Vodka, Slashcross, Siblin, Blue Dragon, Jam, Awouk, Gannsi, Mr Fist, Sarr, Zok, Kirkjoak, Luke, Trist, Kira, Zenox, Pepper, Kirrimir, Psyc0w, skippy, Cok3, Milktree, Biotech, TheScottishFag, Lmaology, Boobiez, Alex, kycro, Scawn, BYAKIRA, Limpy (Assassin), Garrysbam, Carbin, Yougo, RICK ROLL, DEAD POOL, Mookie, Poison, Profetitus, Ritave, Failcake, Progamer, Blah, Keenan, Lutamel, Mynamesucks, Chris, Scorpio, Max, Kepling, Coltom, Billi, Joshua0Driscoll, Tuvan, Puma, Zynko. |
i never tried but cider, but it sounds good,
where is this cider that people talk about give me a link someone...lol...
Last Edit: 16 years, 5 months ago by Jam.
Zombie Survival
And Another DarkRP server. |
cider is good but its main server has cops being random DMed a lot and its hard to make money just ask me next time your on and Ill show you it
Build RP sounds good!!!
A lot of people complain about to many props and stuff. If you get the server going this wouldnt be a problem. |
The Original '08 Crew
Chute, Ash, Gunkz, Vistash, Jaydix, Biffjab, Vodka, Slashcross, Siblin, Blue Dragon, Jam, Awouk, Gannsi, Mr Fist, Sarr, Zok, Kirkjoak, Luke, Trist, Kira, Zenox, Pepper, Kirrimir, Psyc0w, skippy, Cok3, Milktree, Biotech, TheScottishFag, Lmaology, Boobiez, Alex, kycro, Scawn, BYAKIRA, Limpy (Assassin), Garrysbam, Carbin, Yougo, RICK ROLL, DEAD POOL, Mookie, Poison, Profetitus, Ritave, Failcake, Progamer, Blah, Keenan, Lutamel, Mynamesucks, Chris, Scorpio, Max, Kepling, Coltom, Billi, Joshua0Driscoll, Tuvan, Puma, Zynko. |