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Moderator Application
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TOPIC: Moderator Application

Moderator Application 8 years, 11 months ago #230162

Steam Name: Colours

Steam ID:

Steam Profile link:

Current Gametracker Profile: www.gametracker.com/player/Colours/play....lyplayers.com:27020/



I am From:
United Stages, WA

Member of the Steam Group?:

Time spent on the server:

Time spent in FP:
around 3-4 days

Do you use a Microphone?:

Why You?:
Look i'm not even gonna lie i'm not at all you know an insane surfer and i'm not getting just crazy times but I've beaten pretty much every map on the server currently and i'm always helping players. I'm really pretty fast at helping people if BFDR hasn't gone to help them first! I'm never negative and i'm always pretty much talking and giving advice and just being a friendly player. So either you make me mod or not i'm still gonna nerd out and play on the server all day. Me getting mod wont make me love the server anymore than i do currently. All it will do is give me the power to get rid of the annoying players who just want to ruin the server and wont let the other people enjoy it!
  • Colours
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 1
  • Karma: 0
Last Edit: 8 years, 11 months ago by Granny.
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