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Kozak's CCA Application.
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TOPIC: Kozak's CCA Application.

Kozak's CCA Application. 10 years, 10 months ago #162768

Steam Name: Kozak

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33858660

Why do you want to become a CCA Unit?
I would like to become a CCA unit because I always liked the thought of being the organised government-like army over the rebellion that fights for good. I also feel that with my past experience as CCA units, I could help teach and guide those new to the CCA life.

What are your characters special abilities and disabilities?
Trent Hayes is a great runner, but his rather thin-figure keeps him from gaining too much muscle. He hopes during his time in the CCA he could gain some body mass. His anti-social personality keeps him from making any kind of friends, making him seem hollow at some points.

What kind of personality does your character give?
He has a dark personality, only covered by his level headed, laid back outside. He knows saying the things on his mind could get him in trouble later down the line, deciding to keep his mouth shut and only talk when needed to.

What are you expected to do in the CCA?
Keep all citizens civil and orderly, crushing the anti-citizens that threaten the Combine way of life. Your job is to make sure that all rightful citizens receive protection from the rebellion, building a perfect society for the law-abiding people in the city.

How do you think the CCA will be like for you?
Being in the CCA will be a fun roleplaying experience for me, as it has been in the past. It also allows me to make some new friends!

Please write a back story of how your character became the CCA Unit you are
Trent Hayes, a only child born in the state of North Dakota. He was raised in a house that was falling apart, his parents not having that much money. He never got anything 'new' or 'expensive' due to his parent's financial problems, he had to get it another way instead. At the age of thirteen, he had overheard some of the other guys talking about a new game that had came out. It sounded awesome, and he wanted it. The only problem was is that he knew that his parents could not afford such a thing now, and would give him the 'speech'. He knew what he had to do to get it, he had to steal it. There was no other way. He knew his neighbor had the console for it, as his parents had forced him to go over and play with him, But he had no idea if he had the game. He thought about it the rest of the day, not sure if he should do it or not. When night fell, he decided he should just do it, and get it over with. He snuck downstairs, tip-toeing outside and into the neighbors yard. He crawled through the doggie door, entering the living room. His hands were shaking as he looked at the console, seeing the new game plopped into the system. With a deep breath, he un-plugged the system and picked it up, sneaking them back to his house. After getting back to his room, the feeling of guilt didn't hang over him like he thought it would. He shrugged it off, deciding not to think about it.

The rest of school was like a blur to Trent, up untill he graduated from highschool and got a job. He started work as late night security for a local museum, making a decent pay. He soon had enough money to buy his own car, but was still far from buying his own house. He was still living with his parents, helping out with the bills whenever he could. One day while he starts preparing for work, he hears screams and shouts from outside. Sticking his head out of the window, he sees people running with strange black holes in the sky...

Trent never saw his parents after the attack, or any of the few friends he had made throughout his childhood. He was given a uniform, and a number as he entered city 18. Others had said that the numbers were a symbol that you are no longer human, just a manufactured object. At first, he hated the Civil Protection, but over time he had started to realize why they were doing the things that they did. The rebels weren't helping the people, they were slowly killing them. He almost thought he was crazy thinking this, unsure if what that strange man said about the water was true.

It wasn't long unill he had saw the Combine as the total good guys, trying to make a perfect life for everyone on Earth. He heads over to the nearest application center, grabbing a notepad and a pencil.

Please write a 10 - 15 line roleplay as a CCA Unit (the more you write, the better):

*A citizen is seen jumping up and down, a small crowd starting to form around the man.*
CCA: /me Walks to the crowd, placing a hand on his stun-stick just incase.
CCA: Disperse!
Man: /me Stops jumping as he hears the officers yell, looking over to him.
CCA: Citizen, why were you jumping?
Man: I- uh-
CCA: Apply.
Man: 84591.
CCA: /me Takes out a datapad, tapping it with his fingers.
CCA: Citizen, this is your third level one violation.
CCA: /me Takes out his stun-stick, flicking it on.
CCA: Face the wall.
Man: /me Grows a horrified look on his face, turning to the nearest wall to him.
CCA: /me Walks up to the man, attempting to tie him. (resist?)
[LOOC] Man: No resistance.
CCA: /me Ties the man, searching him for any contraband.
CCA: Clean, time for re-education.
CCA: /me Turns the stun-stick voltage to low, bringing it up into the air and bringing it down on the man's head.
Man: /me Falls over from the blow.
CCA: /me Slings the man over his shoulder, bringing him to the Nexus.

Name: Trent Hayes
CID: 27187
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Facial Hair: N/A
Race: Caucasian
Height: 5'7
Weight: 110 Lbs
Distinguishing Marks: N/A

Do you have any affiliation with the CCA? No

List previous fields you are experienced in: Security guard.

Explain the reason you want to enlist in the CCA: I wish to help protect the citizens of city 18, while helping the other CCA's to crush the rebellion.

Have you received any infractions from an officer? If yes, explain. N/A

Do you understand the consequences if you are to betray the CCA? I fully understand.
  • Kozak
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 8
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Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by Kozak.
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Re: Kozak's CCA Application. 10 years, 10 months ago #162932

One of the larger back stories I have seen so far,

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Re: Kozak's CCA Application. 10 years, 10 months ago #162938

+support second longest back story I have seen c:
  • Zach
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Re: Kozak's CCA Application. 10 years, 10 months ago #162954

I like the back story

  • Redsword
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Re: Kozak's CCA Application. 10 years, 10 months ago #162963


Time to be the first one to not comment about the bac-
Anyway, good app.
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Re: Kozak's CCA Application. 10 years, 10 months ago #163006

+support second longest back story I have seen c:


  • Kozak
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 8
  • Karma: 3
Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by Kozak.
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Re: Kozak's CCA Application. 10 years, 10 months ago #163045

What's up Kozak? Backstory is long and indulging, and actually interesting. If you made a book about your backstory and the combine, I would read it!

HL2RP Staff Member since 1836
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