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Henry's CCA Application
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TOPIC: Henry's CCA Application

Henry's CCA Application 10 years, 10 months ago #160690

Steam Name: Henry

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18176592

Why do you want to become a CCA Unit? To potentially build up roleplay, and to give the server a fun way to remember myself. I also just want to roleplay as a unit because having a figure of power, if a little, is a bit more fun than being bossed around all day.

What are your characters special abilities and disabilities? Special abilities being to run, disabilities might such as she doesn't really know much about defending herself, so if she would be mobbed it would most likely be a success unless she called for backup.

What kind of personality does your character give? Casual, laid back. Sarcastic, maybe, if she's joking around with someone she realises CAN take a joke.

What are you expected to do in the CCA? Keep things civilized, and if things get out of hand, call for backup and get the situation handled.

How do you think the CCA will be like for you? Stiff, demanding of obediance.

Please write a back story of how your character became the CCA Unit you are(A Few good lines)
Louise silently flicked on her flashlight, the room going dead silent. It seemed to pierce the darkness barely, lightly illuminating scared and horror-crossed faces. The only noise that could pierce the loud ringing in their ears was the distant gunshots and screams emitting from normal civillians. She remembered earlier, how she had been jogging along the sidewalk, then looking up towards the sky, dark clouds seeming to spew and twirl into a funnel shape, then a huge bang emitting from it, right into the center of the city. She fled back home, hiding in her basement, locking the doors.
Then, instantly. It went silent. The gunshots had stopped. The screams had stopped. Then, a loud bang errupted. She could hear the door flying across her living room, then laying still, armored footsteps and the sound of clanking kevlar murdering the silence. Then, it stopped. She could hear distinct chatter, it seemed inhumane.
Bang. The door flew off. A human-like figure stood at the top of the steps, some type of weapon in it's hands. It pointed into the living room, and the inhabitants followed. The figure seemed to eye each citizen as it walked from the basement, before motioning towards the floor.
It didn't take long for everyone to get tied up and shuffled out of their homes, and before long they were walking to what seemed to be a train station. She could already see walls being built around each main city, as her train passed by, weird creatures flying in the sky, walking on the land. And their captivators silently stalked the train's corridors, dealing with anyone that opposed them.
She remembered the day her life had been ripped from her hands, but she shook her head, grabbing the pen and beginning to fill out the application.

Please write a 10 - 15 line roleplay as a CCA Unit (the more you write, the better):
(I'm going to say I'm an 05, patrolling with a partner.)

22573(Me): /radio "Two-Two-Five is ten-eight, ready for patrol."
22573: /me would sigh, reaching for her stunbatton. She'd flick her visor on, reading the normal, stiff font that sped past her eyes. "Unit is online. Biosignal is online. Ready for duty."
22573: /me would not towards her partner, motioning towards the Nexus Airlock. "You take point. I've got your back."
54293: "Alright, buddy. Hopefully today isn't as bad as yesterday."
22573: /me nods, patting her right thigh, the distinct sound of her pistol sounding off. She'd follow her partner out of the nexus.
As they walked, they noticed two citizens sitting in a dark alleyway, metal objects flashing in the darkness.
22573: "Ay, you see that? I'll radio it in. You go see what they're up to."
54293: /me reaches for his pistol, slowly approaching the two citizens. He'd confront them.
22573: /radio "We've got two citizens, contraband is possible. 10-20 Terminal Alleyway."
One of the citizens spot 54293, and instantly runs down the alleyway.
54293: /me pulls out his pistol, aiming it towards the remaining civvie. He'd motion towards the wall, yelling, "Get on the wall, scratch that, the ground."
22573: /me approaches the scruffle, sliding her pistol out aswell. She'd then flick on her helmet's flashlight, glancing down the alleyway.
22573: /radio "We've got an escaping citizen down the alleyway, we need a patrol to flank the exiting alleyway for when he arrives."
54293: /me approaches the remaining citizen, placing her boot on his back. She'd forcefully tie him up, then glancing towards 54293, "Watch my back."
22573: /radio "We're bringing the anti-citizen towards detainment. We need a unit for interrogation."
22573: /me would search the citizen, taking out a small, silver laced pistol. She'd radio in, "Be cautious, these citizens are armed. Possible contraband dealing."


Name: Louise Ramone.

CID: 95868

Hair Color: Blonde.

Eye Color: Green.

Facial Hair: No.

Gender: Female.

Race: Caucasian.

Height: 5'7

Weight: 120 lbs.

Distinguishing Marks: A small birthmark on the right side of my back.

Do you have any affiliation with the CCA? No.

List previous fields you are experienced in: I used to run quite alot, and participated in a few self defense classes, but my daily work job consisted of working in an office, filing paperwork.

Explain the reason you want to enlist in the CCA: The scum on the streets need to be whiped clean, and I am willing to help do so. I wish to see a clean and shiny city rather than the one with trash littering the streets.

Have you received any infractions from an officer? If yes, explain.(Blank for the moment) No, not in this current city. I was recently relocated.

Do you understand the consequences if you are to betray the CCA? (Public Amputation) Yes, I do.
  • Henry
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Re: Henry's CCA Application 10 years, 10 months ago #160710

I like the you app buuuutttt your disabilitie thats a pretty big one!

But everyone needs somebody to do the paperwork xD
  • Eric Tomson
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Re: Henry's CCA Application 10 years, 10 months ago #160713

Uh, not being able to defend yourself isn't that big. Not every unit at Recruit and 05 is a sharp shooter and can defend themselves. You learn that at higher ranks..
  • Henry
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Re: Henry's CCA Application 10 years, 10 months ago #160715

Henry wrote:
Uh, not being able to defend yourself isn't that big. Not every unit at Recruit and 05 is a sharp shooter and can defend themselves. You learn that at higher ranks..

I know that! was just trying to make a joke, but i see that i failed <3
  • Eric Tomson
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Re: Henry's CCA Application 10 years, 10 months ago #160716

I know that! was just trying to make a joke, but i see that i failed <3

let's forget i said that and say we both laughed ok :3
  • Henry
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Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by Henry.
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Re: Henry's CCA Application 10 years, 10 months ago #160717

Excellent application, I've seen you roleplay and it's really good; I also used to know you from my old server, excellent roleplayer and easily one of the best CCA units when you were on.
  • Viz
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Re: Henry's CCA Application 10 years, 10 months ago #160719

Henry wrote:
I know that! was just trying to make a joke, but i see that i failed <3

let's forget i said that and say we both laughed ok :3

okay <3 :D
  • Eric Tomson
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