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TOPIC: Vortigaunt Appication

Vortigaunt Appication 10 years, 1 month ago #208162

DO NOT REVIEW YET(Making changes)

Steam Name : KreeG

Steam Id : STEAM

Why do you want the vortigaunt whitelist? : So i can roleplay as a vortigaunt, It's something different then just playing on my CCA or citizen chars.
What do you do as an enslaved vortigaunt? : Follow orders from the Combine, Clean the streets.

What do you do as a Free vortigaunt? : Team up with other free vortigaunts, or help the resistance.

Write a backstory for your vortigaunt (The more you write the better) :
We'eet was a intelligent and peaceful vortigaunt who lived with his family vortigaunts, Him being the oldest he was always leading his group, and hunting for food to keep his family alive.
One day Nihilanth was slain by a man name freeman, him and his friends made portal storms and fled to different planets. They arrived in many planets and kept on fighting because the combine was attacking them and looking to find them. When they arrived at a planet called Xen, At xen the combine once agian appeared attacking the vortigaunts. He managed to escape but his friends were killed when they tried to go with him.
He Arrived at the planet earth and couldn't believe everyone he knew got killed. He met a few citizens that looked heavily armed, Having no knowledge of what language they were speaking he tried learning it. When the seven hour war was over, him and his rebel friends were hiding in some sewers, Days passed by and during that time he mastered the english language.
One day the combine found the rebel hideout and overwelmd the base, He was enslaved and sent to city 17. this is where his story begins...
Write a few vortigaunt rp situation's (The more you write the better) :

Enslaved vortigaunt situation:

CWU Manager: *Request* We just had a accident in the cwu store, please send a biotic to clean the mess.
CCA-C17.UNION.04.674: Biotic!
We'eet: Ahh yesss?
CCA-C17.UNION.04.674: There has been a request to clean the CWU store.
CCA-C17.UNION.04.674: Move it!
We'eet: Yessss.
***Arrives at the store***
CWU Manager: God you took forever! clean up this mess
CWU Manager: Grunts
We'eet: /me Brings out his tools and starts cleaning
CWU Manager: Make sure to get that spot near the carpet!
We'eet: /me Falls over his broom.
We'eet: Gallah Lang!!!
CWU Manager: Get up you filthy animal!
We'eet: /me Gets up.
CWU Manager: Good job, Now get out my store!

Free vortigaunt situation:

*** The vortigaunt is roaming in the sewers***
We'eet: Gah, no food!
*** A screamin noise can be heard ***
CCA-C17.JURY.01.234: I'm hit!!!
We'eet: Looks behind the wall next to him.
*** See's a officer in pain, a gun fight going on ***
We'eet: /me Slowly gets behind the fence.
*** The vortigaunt then see's a group off combine retreat because there are too many rebels for them to handle ***
We'eet: /me Walks towards to injured combine.
CCA-C17.JURY.01.234: Help!
We'eet: /me Attemps to hit the jury with a vortigaunt beam.
We'eet: Rolls 87.
CCA-C17.JURY.01.234: Rolls 45.
*** The combine gets beamed ***
We'eet: Lunch!
We'eet: /me Eats the remaining corpse.
<:: Ic Section ::>
Vortigaunt Name :We'eet
Vortigaunt Age : 139
Vortigaunt Height : 6'2
Why does your vortigaunt want to serve the union? : He loves aiding the combine.
Do you understand that you wii be killed If you work with the resistance? : Yes.
I, We'eet Will server the union as an enslaved biotic.

Thanks for reading, it was kind of hard for me to make this app since i didn't want to steal anyone's idea.
  • KreeG
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Last Edit: 10 years, 1 month ago by KreeG.
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Re: Vortigaunt Appication 10 years, 1 month ago #208206

U fokin killed me with ur Vort slaves +Support
  • Hellsdevil
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