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Rogue's CCA Application
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TOPIC: Rogue's CCA Application

Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207767

Steam Name:|FP|Rogue
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51516594
Why do you want to become a CCA Unit? To serve the Combine.
What are your characters special abilities and disabilities?Specializes in Advanced Weaponry and Engineering.
What kind of personality does your character give? Quiet
What are you expected to do in the CCA? Basic Infantry and Patrolling,Repairing and creating mechanisms for the Combine.
How do you think the CCA will be like for you? Great , being able to serve the Combine and do what I do best Engineer and Create Mechanisms.
Please write a back story of how your character became the CCA Unit you are(A Few good lines)
Please write a 10 - 15 line roleplay as a CCA Unit (the more you write, the better)Theo "Swift" Fox was Born May 8th , 1981 in New Jersey , before the 7 hour war , Coming home to visit my family from College in the United States. Earning a Bachelors in both Mechanics and Robotics Engineering. Once I arrive in my bus I head to the train station, then I arrive at my hometown of Clementon and meet with my family. Me and my family are strolling through the busy streets and stop at a local shop. We are buying food for dinner and as we wait I hear screaming , screaming of people , then a loud buzzing like noise , then I saw it ships landing. Synths sprinted out of the gunships and killed anybody in there way. As I watch I see citizens and panicking citizen being beaten and some slaughtered. I thought I saw the worst , but it wasn't, large beasts created rubble of the wall and stepped and squashed citizens(Synth). Me and my family flee into the alleys of the City into back entrances of foundations hoping to find a hiding spot. We finally found a factory where we hi. We were safe until Synths were able to make an entrance by smashing the building , once they did the beast took my Mother and Father. All I could do was flee I hid an found a dead Resistance Member with an MP7. I was able hold a Synth off by damaging it's leg so I could slow it down so I had just enough time to make it to safety.Finally when I was safe and was fleeing just when I thought I safe and the Adrenaline was gone I thought about my family , I started to slow down out of nowhere I was hit in the head and knocked out(By a stunstick). When I woke up I was given ID a number and rations after 2 hours.

One morning I woke up to the sound of an RPG Explosion, I looked outside my apartment window and one of the walls sealing off the Nexus had been obliterated by the impact of the RPG. The Combine later found out it was an Assault by the rebels who attempted to kill a UU in a Convoy of APC's coming out of the Nexus. The UU was unharmed and the Resistance member faced public Amputation. After this happened the Nexus walls were almost gone and their scanners were nonfunctional. They needed someone to repair it.

From what I saw happen to that rebel I wouldn't want it happening to me. I didn't want to be a loyalist , or a Citizen , I wanted to do something. Serve the Combine. I had prior experience with Engineering of Equipment so I could definitely repair their scanners. Also when the OTA Branch was created and Nova Prospekt needed outposts I could help build their turrets, locks and barriers. Also turn any remaining creatures and or resistance members into OTA and new Synth Technology. With OTA's wide range Arsenal they would need someone to also create AR-2 Standard Issue Assault rifles.

When I heard about it I decided to apply for the CCA. When I was accepted I completed my basic recruit training and was assigned as a RCT or recruit. Then I started my basic recruit training later leading to my Combine Service.

** NEW NOTES ** You must Roleplay as a 05 Unit, Nothing Higher!:
Carl Radfield:[Breaks Window of Store]
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: Citizen!
Carl Radfield: What? What do you want?!
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: Citizen! Get against the wall!
Carl Radfield: No
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: I said get against the wall!
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: Do you want to be charged with Non Compliance!
Carl Radfield:[Gets Against the wall]
CCA.C17-Ghost.05.856:/me attempts to tie citizen
CCA.C17-Ghost.05.856:/roll Rolls 86 out of 100
Carl Rafield: rolls 17 out of 100
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: /me ties the man
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: /me flicks stunstick
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: /me starts shaking
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: /me attempts to knock man out with his stunstick.
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856/roll rolls 63 out of 100
Carl Radfield: rolls 57 out of 100
CCA.C17-Ghost.05.856: /me knocks man out by hitting his head.
Carl Radfield: Groans
CCA.C17-Ghost.05.856: /me Cringes at this sound
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856:/me Drags him and leans him next nexus door
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: Citizen these are your charges.
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: "Property Vandalism" , "Non-Compliance".
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: Brings Citizen into nexus into holding quarters.
CCA.C17-Jury.OfC.679: What do we have here?
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: Caught this Citizen vandalizing property, Also not complying with me.
CCA.C17-Jury.OfC.679: At what degree?
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: Breaking another citizen's window.
CCA.C17-Jury.OfC.679: He is lucky it was just another Citizen's. I would have just caught his head off Myself if it was one of us.
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856: His Punishment?
CCA.C17-Jury.OfC.679: You will receive some reducation, 4 points , and 2 Cycles.
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856:[Drags Citizen into cell and Unties him].
CCA.C17-Grid.05.856:[Leaves Citizen].
Name: Theo "Swift" Fox
Hair Color: Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Blue/Silver
Facial Hair:Clean Shave
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Height: 6'3
Weight: 145 lbs
Distinguishing Marks: Scar next to right eye
Do you have any affiliation with the CCA? No , just a citizen.
List previous fields you are experienced in: Mechanics and Robotics Engineering
Explain the reason you want to enlist in the CCA: To serve the combine as loyal as possible.
Have you received any infractions from an officer? If yes, explain.(Blank for the moment)
Do you understand the consequences if you are to betray the CCA? (Public Amputation)

Before denying this if it is bad please point out first flaws about the application. Thank You!
  • *Rogue*
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Last Edit: 10 years, 1 month ago by *Rogue*.
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207771

-/+ Neutral
I'll be honest with you. The RP you did there is ok, but you need to be an 05, not a Big Bad Ghost. You are very scared, and cautious of your surroundings, but you still can carry out detainment if needed. You somewhat sympathize with the Civvies, but you still carry out the law. That means "Breaking Bones" an acting like a badass is off completely.

Next is your backstory, which in all honesty is fine, but it doesn't really explain HOW you got in. Just because you were good at shooting, doesn't mean they knew it. And it also doesn't mean you'd be taken in if your wife and son got taken. Just try to either change or elaborate on it.

Also this is just purely a comment.
:pinch: Warning: Spoiler!

Besides all of this, you are fine. Just change what is recommended to YOUR preferences. I think you'll be a great addition to the CCA. Good luck.

Last Edit: 10 years, 2 months ago by Gangster_Story.
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207774

Hi Rogue,

This is a well written app, and you do show great RP potential. However, there are some significant changes that need to be made. I will compile them in to a list for you.

1) You must roleplay as an 05 unit. 05 units typically show tons of fear RP, and are generally scared to beat down and apprehend citizens. In your roleplay, you should show more fear RP, and be more hesitant to beat down the citizen shown.

2) On our server, the GHOST division is one of the elite divisions. That being said, there are only three units that are in the division. That being, DvL, SqL, and OfC. There are no 05 units.

3) Your character personality. For lack of a better word, that is typically robo-coppish. Only the highest ranked units "amuse" themselves by murdering others.

4) Your backstory. It needs to be a bit more clear. You say that you went to City 17 before the war, yet it didn't exist before the combine invaded. Also, the combine didn't use OTA during the 7 hour war. They used synth technology, due to the fact that they didn't merge the human DNA with theirs.

Hope this helps. Although I can't personally answer this, I certainly think these changes will better your chances. Good luck!
  • Reventius
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207776

I considered your advice and edited major parts I was lacking in rp.
  • *Rogue*
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Last Edit: 10 years, 2 months ago by *Rogue*.
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207779

I'm not entirely sure how things are done on HL2RP, but just sayin, because it's so vague in the description, the whole "Uncommon second personality" trait sounds more like a scape goat in case of some form of major fail RP for this character is done, and some form of punishment of threatened. Instead of getting in trouble, the excuse could always just be written off as "Well, it isn't part of the typical character I'd RP, but he had one of his lapses of his second personality, which made him do that."
  • Slyther
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And that's my opinion. Love it or hate it, as long as you respect it.
"Self praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble."- John Madden

It's better to die living than to live dying.
Last Edit: 10 years, 2 months ago by Slyther.
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207780

Slyther wrote:
I'm not entirely sure how things are done on HL2RP, but just sayin, because it's so vague in the description, the whole "Uncommon second personality" trait sounds more like a scape goat in case of some form of major fail RP for this character is done, and some form of punishment of threatened. Instead of getting in trouble, the excuse could always just be written off as "Well, it isn't part of the typical character I'd RP, but he had one of his lapses of his second personality, which made him do that."
There may have been flaws for rp but I surely didn't try covering it up and blaming it on my characters second personality. Also I edited it so it is more clear thanks for the feedback though.
  • *Rogue*
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207787

Thanks for making the quick changes. However, there are still some changes that should be made.

1) All humans with any type of disorder were killed off by the Combine.

2) You still need to take out the parts with OTA sprinting out the drop ships, as they did not exist during the 7 hour war.

3) It is practically impossible to kill any Combine Synth with just your bare hands. You need literally some of the most powerful weapons to kill some. Here is some information on it to give you an idea.

Again, thanks for the quick changes, and good luck.
  • Reventius
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Last Edit: 10 years, 2 months ago by Reventius.
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207802

This roleplay example is not the best. Property vandalism is a level 2 offence, I would like to see you roleplay to actually detain the citizen, and give him the propper punishment(Negative points, Cycles, Re-education)

CCA.C17-Ghost.05.856: /me Cringes at this sound


I don't think your ready to become a CCA.
  • KreeG
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Last Edit: 10 years, 2 months ago by KreeG.
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207808

KreeG wrote:
This roleplay example is not the best. Property vandalism is a level 2 offence, I would like to see you roleplay to actually detain the citizen, and give him the propper punishment(Negative points, Cycles, Re-education)

CCA.C17-Ghost.05.856: /me Cringes at this sound


I don't think your ready to become a CCA.
Ok sorry I did look up basic punishments and I must have gotten them mixed up sorry.
  • *Rogue*
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Re: Rogue's CCA Application 10 years, 2 months ago #207811

I think I fixed just about everything.
  • *Rogue*
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