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CCA Handbook and Regulations
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TOPIC: CCA Handbook and Regulations

CCA Handbook and Regulations 10 years, 10 months ago #161017

This is The Metro Police Handbook, made by Sullivan Powell, If Any CCA Of the server are to disobey ANY of the rules in this book, You will be de-whitelisted

<:: Metro Police Force Hand Book :

(IC):Hello, If you are reading this, Then you have been Accepted into the Combine Civil Authority. As a recruit you are to read this and memorize it, Have a nice day!


No, you can't smuggle shit out of the Nexus. It just does not work. If you abuse the terminals, you will be removed and blacklisted

Recruits are only somewhat more fed than your average citizen. Higher ranks are fed decently.

Citizens cannot use the Union radio frequency. It's encrypted..
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Black mark information

A "black mark" essentially dictates that you, as a unit, haven't done your job or you've violated a major rule. They'll be listed next to your name In-game. A black mark looks like this *. If you get one black mark, it's a reprimand. A second black mark will more often than not carry with it demotion. A third black mark will generally result in dewhitelisting or a demotion to recruit, depending on how kind the division leader or Sectoral is feeling. Only the Sectoral commander or division leader may give out black marks.
NOTE: The Apex can give black marks to Division Leader's, The CmD can give a black mark to the Apex, The SeC can give black marks out to ANY one.
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The Core division is the general purpose squad in the Combine Civil Authority. This is where the majority of recruits will go upon completing their training, and it's where the most basic and most needed tasks in the CCA are carried out. These units patrol, detain, protect and deliver justice.

The APEX division is the engineering division of the Combine Civil Authority. They repair destroyed CCA property, They also can create machinery for the CCA. If there is nothing to be made/repaired you will resume duties as if you are in the UNION division.

The Helix division is the medical division of the Combine Civil Authority. Quite simply, it's where the doctors go. If there is no units that are injured the Helix units just continue there duties as if they are apart of the UNION division.

The PHANTOM divison are the elite divison of the Combine Civil Authority, This is where the major bad ass's go, They are used in Spec. Ops, under Cover operations, Recon, Counter sniping and also City Watch.
--- --- ---

Level 1 Violation harmless, but uncivilised behaviour

-Running (with bad reason. Running from danger is fine. Running to get around quickly is not allowed)
-Jumping (with bad reason. Jumping onto things is fine as long as it isn't stupid. Bunnyhopping in the street is not allowed)
-Uncivilised behaviour (like collapsing in the street without reason)
-Audio Violation
-Yelling (with bad reason. Yelling from pain is fine. Yelling just so people can hear you is not allowed.)

Verdict - 1 ACP Point

Level 2 Violation Harmful behaviour between citizens and minor malcompliance

-3x Level 1 violations
-Tampering with unconscious (living or dead) bodies,
-Low level contraband possession
-Minor CCA disrespect (like not moving along on the streets when told to)
-Failure to report a crime

Verdict - 5 ACP points 5 minutes in Detainment Re-education

Level 3 Violation More extreme harmful behaviour between citizens and major malcompliance

-Failure to apply (including identity theft and lying)
-Resisting arrest/questioning
-Major CCA disrespect (like directly abusing the combine)
-Disrespecting a lockdown (but they must be intentionally avoiding the lockdown)
-Trespassing on private property
-Major contraband possession
-Stealing Tokens

Verdict - 15 ACP points and 20 minutes in detainment re-education

Level 4 Violation Severe threats to the city

-Illegal UPA (Unauthorised Procreative Activity - sexrp!)]]
-Potentially lethal contraband possession
-Conspiring rebel activity (but without physical evidence)
-Mental Imperfection
-Attempted policide
-CCA vandalism (including scanners and destroying doors etc)

Verdict - 20 ACP points Amputation (NLR)
--- --- ---
Level 5 Violation Rebel activity

-Lethal contraband possession
-Rebel uniform possession

Verdict - 40 ACP points Amputation (PK)
--- --- ---

Sectoral Commander (SeC)

Comes equipped with an reinforced advanced polymer gas mask (reinforced internal steel skeleton, increased blunt trauma protection, advanced augmentation based heads up display). reinforced Neck guard to protect from shrapnel and choking. Reinforced full torso armored vest capable of (Somewhat) stopping Very High Caliber weaponry. Reinforced stab-proof underlayer, Increased shock trauma padding and Built-In Rebreather.
Able to obtain and use any Combine sanctioned weapon.
Can override all regulations, within reason.
Can re-write all regulations, Within reason
Can authorize judgment waiver.
Can command Overwatch forces.
Can promote and demote units at will, including the appointment of division leaders.
Can authorize district lockdown.
Can authorize slums sweep.
Can authorize civil inspection.
Can authorize ration distribution.
Can order nonstandard prosecution of detainees.
Can kill indiscriminately and without authorization.
--- --- ---
Commander (CmD)

Comes equipped with an advanced polymer gas mask (internal steel skeleton, increased blunt trauma protection, augmentation based heads up display). Neck guard to protect from shrapnel and choking. Full torso armored vest capable of (somewhat) stopping High Caliber Weaponry. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Able to obtain and use any Combine sanctioned weapon.
Can override all regulations, with Authorization from the SeC
Can authorize judgment waiver.
Can command Overwatch forces.
Can promote and demote units at will, including the appointment of division leaders.
Can authorize district lockdown.
Can authorize slums sweep.
Can authorize civil inspection.
Can authorize ration distribution.
Can order nonstandard prosecution of detainees.
Can kill indiscriminately and without authorization.
--- --- ---
Division Leader (DvL)

Comes equipped with an advanced polymer gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection, augmentation assisted heads up display). Neck guard to protect from shrapnel and choking. Full torso armored vest capable of stopping High Medium Caliber Weaponry Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton, USP Match,MP7,SPAS-12,Non-Lethal grenades and Lethal grenades
Can override some regulations, within reason.
Can authorize judgment waiver.
Can command Overwatch forces.
Can promote and demote units at will within their division, including promotion of recruits.
Can authorize district lockdown.
Can authorize slums sweep.
Can authorize civil inspection.
Can authorize ration distribution.
Can order nonstandard prosecution of detainees.
Can kill indiscriminately and without authorization.
--- --- ---

Comes equipped with standard issue reinforced plastic gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection). Neck guard to protect from shrapnel and choking. Full torso armored vest (somewhat) capable of stopping Medium Caliber weaponry. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton, USP Match, MP7, SPAS-12, Non-Lethal grenades, Lethal grenades
Can advise Overwatch forces.
Can promote only if allowed by their respective division leader.
Can authorize slums sweep.
Can authorize civil inspection.
Can authorize ration distribution.
Can order nonstandard prosecution of detainees.
Can kill with reason, but without authorization.
--- --- ---
Elite Protection Unit (EpU)

Comes equipped with standard issue reinforced plastic gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection). Neck guard to protect from shrapnel and choking. Full torso armored vest capable of stopping High Low Caliber Weapony. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton, USP Match, MP7, SPAS-12, Non-Lethal grenades and Lethal grenades
Can order nonstandard prosecution of detainees.
Can kill with reason, but without authorization.
--- --- ---
1st Class Unit (01)

Comes equipped with standard issue reinforced plastic gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection). Neck guard to protect from choking. Full torso armored vest capable of (Somewhat) stopping Medium Low Caliber Weapony. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton, USP Match, MP7, Non-Lethal Grenades and Lethal Grenades.
Can order nonstandard prosecution of detainees.
Can kill with reason, but (unless no commanding unit is online) needs authorization.
--- --- ---
2nd Class Unit (02)

Comes equipped with standard issue reinforced plastic gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection). Neck guard to protect from choking. Chest-based Kevlar vest capable of stopping Low Caliber Weapony. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton, USP Match,MP7 and Non-Lethal Grenades.
Can kill with reason, but (unless no commanding unit is online) needs authorization.
--- --- ---
3rd Class Unit (03)

Comes equipped with standard issue reinforced plastic gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection). Neck guard to protect from choking. Chest-based Kevlar vest capable of Low Caliber Weapony. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton,MP7, USP Match and Non-Lethal Grenades.
Can kill with reason, but (unless no commanding unit is online) needs authorization.
--- --- ---
4th Class Unit (04)

Comes equipped with standard issue plastic gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection). Neck guard to protect from choking. Chest-based Kevlar vest capable of (Somewhat) Low Caliber Weapony. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton, USP Match and Non-Lethal Grenades.
Can kill with reason, but (unless no commanding unit is online) needs authorization.
--- --- ---
5th Class Unit (05)
Comes equipped with standard issue plastic gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection). Neck guard to protect from choking. Chest-based Kevlar vest capable of (Somewhat) stopping Very Low Caliber Weapony. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton and USP Match.
--- --- ---
Recruit / Trainee (RCT)

Comes equipped with standard issue plastic gas mask (internal steel skeleton, blunt trauma protection). Neck guard to protect from choking. Chest-based Kevlar vest capable of stopping most blunt/Bladed weaponry. Stab-proof underlayer and shock trauma padding.
Limited to usage of shock baton.
Can kill with reason, but needs authorization.
Cannot leave the nexus
--- --- ---
Code words

404 Zone: A district currently afflicted by riotous conditions.
Administer: To issue prosecution, treatment or other (dependent on context).
Amputate: To kill or execute.
Anti citizen: Anyone who works against the Combine's rule.
Apply: To order a citizen to reveal their name and civil identification number.
Biotic: A vortigaunt.
Block: A 'sector'. (ex: “plaza block”).
Bugs: An informal term given to any of the numerous feral alien creatures coming from Xen.
Cauterize: To lock down a checkpoint. If 'district cauterization' is in effect, all checkpoints are to be locked down.
Cohere: To regroup, esp. at a certain checkpoint or objective.
Contain: Confine a hostile situation to a certain area - to keep it from spreading.
Citation: Any form of light punishment, such as a verbal warning or beating.
Deserviced Area: Any abandoned area. (ex: the slums)
Detain: To arrest.
Disperse: An order given to groups of citizens to make them scatter.
Displace: Move / fall back / change locations.
Exogen: An antlion.
Infection: A term used to reference the presence of any unwanted entity.
Infested Zone: Any area where there's significant anticivil or Xenian presence.
Inject: To deploy in to an area of any sort, whether it's a district of building.
Isolate: See: disperse.
Judgment: Any sort of punishment.
Malignant: Anyone who works against the Combine's rule, esp. used in reference to violent offenders.
Necrotic: A zombie.
Noncitizen: Someone who isn't in the Combine's databases but is compliant. Can also be used to reference children.
Nonpatrol Region: An area where Civil Protection does not patrol, period.
Outland: Used in reference to any foreign creature.
Outland Zone: The area outside any given city's walls.
Pacify: To nonlethally silence or neutralize someone.
Parasite: Normal Headcrab.
Preserve: To keep a subject alive.
Prosecute: To punish.
Re-Education: To educate some one by beating them down with a stun-stick.
Protection Team: Metropolice forces.
Restrictor: A thumper. Large metal machines used for exogen suppression.
Sociocide: Any action that harms the balance of society and threatens the Combine's rule.
Stabilization Team: Overwatch forces.
Sterilize: To completely free an area of opposing forces.
Sterilizer: A sentry gun/turret.
Tag: To have killed. (ex: “tag one parasitic”).
Virome: A fast headcrab.
Parasitic: A poison headcrab.
Viscerator: A manhack.
--- --- ---
Radio Codes

10-0: Exercise caution.
10-1: Can't understand you / reception is poor.
10-2: Reception is clear.
10-3: Stop transmitting / radio silence.
10-4: Understood.
10-7: Out of service.
10-8: In service, on duty.
10-9: Repeat last message.
10-10: Out of service, off duty.
10-15: Prisoner has been detained.
10-20: Location.
10-30: Rogue unit.
10-38: Destination.
10-43: Medical officer requested.
10-49: Move to a specified location.
10-50: Under influence of drugs.
10-51: Under influence of alcohol.
10-53: Man down.
10-57: Missing person.
10-71: Shots fired.
10-80: Explosion.
Code 2: Semiurgent situation.
Code 3: Highly urgent situation.
Code 4: No assistance needed / things are under control.
Code 10: Requesting Overwatch standby (it'd better be damn serious if request this).
Code 11: Requesting Overwatch deployment (see above warning).
Code 37: A wanted suspect.
11-6: Shots fired (from a citizen / anticitizen).
11-8: Individual down (can be a unit or citizen).
11-29: Suspect has no citizen identification.
11-87: Assist / attach to another unit.
11-98: Meet at a location.
11-99: Officer needs urgent backup.
34: Assault / battery.
34c: Assault with a blade.
34s: Assault with a firearm / shots fired.
273: Assault on a person.
390: Drunk.
404: Riot.
505: Reckless.
602: Trespassing.
603: Unlawful entry.
647: Lewd / unbecoming conduct.
647a: Loitering individual.
647e: Moving erratically / loitering from place to place.
AC: Anticitizen.
ACA: Anticivil activity.
ADW: Assault with a deadly weapon.
[4:07:53 PM] Sullivan Powell: [12:42 AM] Sullivan Powell:

<<< ADW: Assault with a deadly weapon.
APB: All points bulletin – an arrest warrant for an individual.
BOL: Be on the lookout.
DB: Dead body.
INJ: Injury sustained.
M: Malignant.
ACP: Anti-Civil Point.
LP: Loyalist Point.
OD: Off duty (10-10).
UTL: Unable to locate / find.
--- --- ---

In the event of a Nexus breach, all active units are to seek and destroy the malignant entity with extreme prejudice. Do not fail or harsh punishments will follow.

In the event of a rogue ground protection unit, all units are to treat them as an entirely hostile entity. Unless subject surrenders himself, he is to be forcibly terminated with extreme prejudice.

In the event of a riot, all active units are to fall back to the Nexus. Regroup, rearm and stabilize the district. Use lethal force when and where necessary.

In the event of overwhelming hostile presence and ground protection team defeat, Overwatch soldiers may be called in. Abuse of this privilege will result in capital prosecution.

In the event of a judgment waiver or autonomous judgment conditions, all citizens must be moved indoors. Units may prosecute indiscriminately and however they like, at any intensity, to any troublesome citizens.

In the event of an airship crash, the area is to be contained, searched and cleaned up.

In the event of parasitic presence, units are to exercise extreme caution and instate lockdown until district stabilization occurs.

In the event of exogen or biotic presence, units are to organize in a group of five or more and pacify the subject. If preservation is not possible, amputation is recommended.

Under no circumstances will you ever admit a citizen in to the Nexus untied.
Under no circumstances will you ever admit a citizen in to the Nexus without searching them first.
Under no circumstances will you ever disrespect a superior officer.
Under no circumstances will you ever exhibit any sort of rogue behavior.
Under no circumstances will you ever refuse a direct order.
Under no circumstances will you ever speak out of turn.
Under no circumstances will you ever train your weapon on a friendly officer.
Under no circumstances will you ever fight your fellow officers (barring sparring).
Under no circumstances will you allow personal vendettas or goings-on to interfere with your duties.
Under no circumstances will you ever reveal your identity to non-unit personnel.
Under no circumstances will you ever allow a citizen to willingly handle your equipment.
Under no circumstances will you ever allow a citizen to be in a position where they may forcibly handle your equipment (in other words, don't spawn crates of equipment out in the field - do it privately).
Under no circumstances will you ever willingly give a citizen any of your equipment.
You will always use your best judgment.
You will defend yourselves if you are attacked. Lethal force is authorized if necessary.
You will always assume general duties such as patrolling until otherwise ordered.
You will always deal with the subjects you have detained with no more than one other unit.
If you have information for the Sectoral Commander or another authoritative figure, do not hesitate in delivering it. Send it via the Nexus network to the appropriate digital messaging account (in other words, private message).
You will review all assigned reading thoroughly.
You will re-review assigned reading when revised and updated.
You will submit to any examination deemed fit and necessary.
You will submit to any training required of you.
You will report counterbehavior swiftly and concisely to the appropriate authorities.
You will not commit sociocide.
You will deliver justice privately and with extreme prejudice.
You will report all missing firearms.
You will report all muggings.
You will report all unit casualties.
You will report all engagements with malignant entities.
You will not question the Combine's authority.
You will not extensively fraternize with the citizen populace.
You will not fraternize with criminals unless necessary.
You will not engage in procreative simulation without due authorization.
You will not undertake any dangerous, expensive or otherwise extreme projects or schemes without consent.
You will submit yourself for transhumanization if required of you.
  • Woa55
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Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by Woa55.
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Re: CCA Handbook and Regulations 10 years, 10 months ago #161024

Nice handbook
  • Zach
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Re: CCA Handbook and Regulations 10 years, 10 months ago #161026

Very handy.
  • Rake
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Re: CCA Handbook and Regulations 10 years, 10 months ago #161027

Might wanna add in parenthesis that RCT-04(?) are still partly human, and thus are wimpy and afraid to harm citizens.
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Anal is how boys are created

Who really is Chute?
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Re: CCA Handbook and Regulations 10 years, 10 months ago #161034

This is a handy dandy handbook you got here

Would like to see my division in it as well D: im feeling like nobody cares about blade D:
  • Eric Tomson
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Re: CCA Handbook and Regulations 10 years, 10 months ago #161046

two questions

1. what is acp?

2. does perma kill delete your character?
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Re: CCA Handbook and Regulations 10 years, 10 months ago #161513

Perma Kill is where your unable to access your character / unable to use it.
RP Name - Olaf White


Dat is all.
Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by LittleAssassin1.
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