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Gar4-Trusted application - TTT Server
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TOPIC: Gar4-Trusted application - TTT Server

Gar4-Trusted application - TTT Server 12 years ago #92258

Steam name: Gar4

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25586161

Steam profile: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198011438051/

Age: 15 (1 month to 16)

From: Norway(Trondheim)

Member of the Steam Group/Clan?: Yes

Time on server: Around 20hours

Time in FP: Not much on forum and just joined the steam group but played RP on and off for some time.

Do you use a Microphone?: Yes

Why You?: Becuase i want to help out. The admins do a great job keeping the rule breaker's away but they cant alway be there and get everyone so i want to help them get the ones who might get away. I also will try to see it from the other side before i start rageing and wont rage completely becuase someone accedently RDM's me.
  • Gar4
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 12
  • Karma: -5
Last Edit: 12 years ago by Gar4.
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