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TOPIC: Frozenglory Trusted app

Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207709

Steam Name:|FP| Frozenglory

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33237005

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026739739


I am From: Bedford, Texas

Member of the Friendly Players Steam Group?:Yes

Time spent on the server:A long time used to be admin so don't have total hours

why you: I used to be an admin so I know the rules and how to enforce them but more importantly I feel like I should clarify somethings I never did on my last app. I do intend to work my way back through the ranks and I DO NOT plan on being any less harsh then i ever have in fact I believe the server has gotten to lax so if anything I might be turning it up. Important thing to note I am not power hungry I love the server and the people who play on it, I only want to make it better if that means I will haft to reclaim my title as buzz kill then so be it.
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Last Edit: 10 years, 1 month ago by Frozenglory.
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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207726


Even without powers he is on top of rule breakers and always trying to get people to follow the rules. This past week alone he has about 30 hours so he is definitely active. He was a good admin a few months ago and Im sure he will be just as good now. JUST STOP INTERRUPTING SLY AND I'S BOOP FIGHTS JEEEEZ!!!!
  • Xeratous
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Do people still come on here? TTT When LMAO
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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207758

Frozenglory wrote:
Steam Name:|FP| Frozenglory

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33237005

Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026739739


I am From: Bedford, Texas

Member of the Friendly Players Steam Group?:Yes

Time spent on the server:A long time used to be admin so don't have total hours

why you: I used to be an admin so I know the rules and how to enforce them but more importantly I feel like I should clarify somethings I never did on my last app. I do intend to work my way back through the ranks and I DO NOT plan on being any less harsh then i ever have in fact I believe the server has gotten to lax so if anything I might be turning it up. Important thing to note I am not power hungry I love the server and the people who play on it, I only want to make it better if that means I will haft to reclaim my title as buzz kill then so be it.
I'll give you a +support but there's one thing I don't agree with, and that's what's bolded.

Honestly, I think it's quite the opposite. The server used to be lax and fun and still enforced rules without being too serious. It's the opposite now. The server is gotten WAY too strict and serious when it comes to enforcing rules. Especially when it came to the jumppacks. Before, people really couldn't care less where you went with it, as long as it wasn't out of bounds and it didn't affect gameplay. Then out of nowhere, everyone practically shit their pants and threatened to demote you if you so much as looked at a place you shouldn't go to with a jumppack.

I think people need to be more lax and forgiving and less harsh and serious than we are now. Or it'll just make the server 2srsbsnsTTT and it won't be as fun as it once was. Rules are great and everything to enforce and that's what our job is, but you don't need to take it so damn seriously and get so worked up over every petty thing. It's a game. We're here to play and have fun. Not be communist dictators who do nothing but enforce rules.

Like I remember that one time before I was trusted, someone got ragdolled and we had a T hang his body up on the wall, and it was the funniest thing. Or how I got ragdolled and thrown into the sacrificial pit in losttemple. Not to mention all the fun we just had bouncing around with jumppacks. Now if you slap someone for fun, you're gonna get demoted for abuse. Cmon guys. Lighten up. (I personally think it was a stupid and pointless idea to get rid of the whip and ignite commands. They were there for when people wanted to have fun.... Now they're gone. -.-)
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Steam Name: |FP| Strider (Formerly Professor Titties)
Former TTT Admin for 7 months,TTT staff for a year in total
Former Flood Operator for 4 months

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"If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences."

H. P. Lovecraft
Last Edit: 10 years, 1 month ago by Rocinante.
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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207760

Eh it was only the jump pack that I was really strict with Now that the thing is pretty much crap now I am back to being how I was. I also think we need to be less strict on things. Professor is right, even if we are staff we are here to have fun and get others to have a fun time. So being strict isnt always the best way to handle things.
  • Xeratous
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Do people still come on here? TTT When LMAO
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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207762

Yea to touch on what Titties said, I am gonna +support because you did your job really well back in the day and are extremely active. But you really are extrememly strict, and sometimes you just need to chill out. It really is just a game, and as staff our job is not only to enforce rules but to make the game fun for others (or at least I think we should make the game more fun for others). If you just brought down the communist-esque behavior at times, that would be awesome. Hope you understand, and I meant no offense in any of this.
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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207770

I appreciate the feedback but I dont see how enforcing the rules makes the game less fun, its these rules that shutdown minges like whip. My biggest problem is the no one cracking down on mic spam ima ok with pretty much everything else but the mic spam is a big problem. Again i appreciate the feed back and will take it into consideration.
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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207781

  • Kittai
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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207783

I always thought honesty was the best policy, so, I'm just going to -support on this one

I'll say right off, I always feel kinda awkward addressing older FP members- because I know nobody likes being criticized by the least mature and most inexperienced, but I'd like to try to give a little constructive criticism.
My reasons are actually some of the things that Vulpes and Xera commended you on.
A big part of why my friends and I (flare775, kingli3r, ect.) play on the FP TTT server is because everybody here is well...friendly. If we forget or accidentally break rule, Sly or whoever isn't automatically on our asses about it. They're lax, and I personally feel like they honestly want to help us out, rather than they're trying to enforce the rules because it's their job. I feel like a big reason this community is as awesome as it is, is because we're not in-tolerant of people who don't take the game as seriously, and we can all laugh off little things. We kind of jokingly use the term "family" to describe our community, but I personally do kinda see a few of our members as older brother figures and some kind of role models in a few ways. If a few rules are broken once or twice while we're having fun together, it's not that big of a deal. Besides a little Civil Disobediance is good for the community, plus it gives a few of the Trusteds chances to show what they're made of and what they where put into the position they where for. Now I'm not talking about rampant RDM, frequent micspam and porn sprays, or anything that would cause permanent bans or russle anyone's jimmies. A few slaps here, a teleport here and there, and a slay or two isn't aweful, in some situations breaking the rules makes it funnier. But nothing that would, say, ruin someone's experience entirely on the FP server.
Now I'm not at all saying your not a friendly person, Frozen, I'm saying that while you where Admin, I didn't feel very Uhhhh- Well I'm not quite sure how to put it. Welcome? Accepted? I don't know. However stupid it sounds, the vibes you where giving off where definitely negative. From the fights you got into with Daft, to how you ride people about T-baiting,to your recent coment to the group of friends on the server of "I'm not on staff so I don't need to be friendly" that Sly mentioned on one of your Apps before this one. From my experiences you where always arguing with someone or seemingly nagging about something. And I felt like you made it your personal goal to make sure every rule was followed and enforced- but down to the very smallest part. Like, punishment after first offenses. Now I could be totally off about this too, since I haven't been on the server much recently, but there where several times I felt like the rest of us went off to play a little joke or whatever and you just kinda sat there with your arms crossed muttering about how we'll be punished if we continued to dance around on thin ice. Haha, get it? Ice? Frozen? Eh-Nevermind. Anyways I feel like you get upset and/or easily carried away. I believe you where one of the few people who was on me and flares' backs about throwing Incens, but I'd rather not start that argument again. Honestly I felt like you where harsh enough before and promising to turn up the heat kinda unnerves me. And claiming you aren't power hungry, then turning around and saying your willing to "Re-claim you tittle as buzz kill" if it means you'll be promoted, also throws up a tiny red flag. And while your passion for enforcing said rules is admirable, I personally feel that while Admins don't catch everything and we as regular players have to call on what they miss or do wrong, if your not at least an experienced Trusted, you shouldn't be ordering players around. Let the Admins do their job. And let players have fun.
By none of this am I trying to attack your character or view on things, I am simply expressing my personal opinion on something that will effect the community. And I apologize if anything I said offended you.
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Xeratous wrote:
WILD wrote:

Long live The Saviors of TTT!
Slyther the Benevolent Providence of Reason and Xeratous the Charitable Raja of Zeal!

I think I speak for both Sly and I when I say that you, Wild, are our favorite prophet.

Last Edit: 10 years, 1 month ago by WILD. Reason: The cool effects didn't work!
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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207784

Enforces the rules, past experience, and most of all active.

Just try not to rule with an iron fist as much.

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Re: Frozenglory Trusted app 10 years, 1 month ago #207790

First off, let me just say damn Wild. However, he did strike the nail on the head.

The job of staff isn't necessarily meant to enforce the rules, and to do so strictly, but to make as many guests as possible feel happy and welcome, while still keeping the server on the correct general path of the server's selected gamemode. One of the things I admire most about Pony is he'll willingly throw away his rounds just to get a little giggle out of everyone watching, and always manages to do so. Yes, the rules are there, however, the whole point of the rules is to make the server as enjoyable as possible (some rules can be debatable on this, and I guess that can be talked about in a meeting), such as no RDM so a player doesn't randomly have to sit the round out, or no leaving the map such that a player doesn't have an unfair disadvantage, both of which can frustrate anyone easily. As Wild said, it's admirable that you're willing to go through further lengths to enforce the rules, but never loose sight of why they're there in the first place. Why you might consider today's staff to be lax is for that exact reason, because we view it as their just having fun on the server, most incidents are either jokes or accidents usually just laughed off. Unless it gets out of hand, a bit too common, or if it starts effecting other guests, it's better to just keep an eye on things and maybe just give a warning rather than immediately stepping in and taking action.

Also, going along with this is patience. I still haven't quite forgotten those times when you've started to be sorta a dick to guests because you're tired of dealing with them. Again, all guests are supposed to feel welcome. If it helps, feel free to just rant to someone to just get things out, and usually if people start to complain about something, all the staff who know about it should take action once things are said, but will still be gentle with it at first.

For now, I'll stay neutral, however, if you can start to work on these two things, I'll probably change to a Support, as you do have past experience, are one of the most active players, and you have helped out a lot on the server generally.

Also, Prof...
1. The only things people got annoyed with the jumppack were in fact people constantly going out of the map's boundaries, and it practically negating fall damage, which I'd say is sorta kinda maybe effecting gameplay.

2. As I said before, staff are supposed to keep the server generally on track with the gamemode. Those two powers, along with the 7 that were removed over the summer, were used in such a way that intentionally interrupted the point of the game. I understand screwing around, especially with Xera's Booping addiction now, but there shouldn't be a need to use staff powers that you were permitted in order to help the server to do so.
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And that's my opinion. Love it or hate it, as long as you respect it.
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Last Edit: 10 years, 1 month ago by Slyther.
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