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Rules for All videos
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TOPIC: Rules for All videos

Rules for All videos 10 years, 10 months ago #161096

These are simple rules, please respect them, your videos can be deleted from this topic if you don't.


-No explicit Content
-No sexual Content
-Do not go off subject, Those videos represent the servers, not your cat !
-Do not use your mic (if you think your voice could offense someone else...)
-No copyrighted materials in your videos
-No trolling / minging Videos
-No prank call videos
-No defamatory content
-No harassment videos
-No swearing (That are racist or very inappropriate, please keep it clean !)

Enough with the no's shall we ...

*If you fail to respect to those rules, your video will be rejected on sight.

*Exceptions may apply.

*Please Follow the correct templates to send: your applications or to get your videos uploaded

Alright now The criteria your video will be evaluated upon:

It's devised into three categories: Content, Quality and Sounds.


-Subject: does it have something to do with Friendly Players ? Does it represent the server?
-Your performance: Are you a clown, an actor or a professional musician ? Your performance will be evaluated!

-Your record device: What you do use?
-Your editing skills: How you edited the video, made changes to it...
-Your general quality: Is your video 1080p or crumbling to 480p. Remember, the video has to be enjoyable for everyone.
-How the scenery is implemented.
More to come Of course !


-Voice: This is delicate. Just keep in mind, There will be NO discrimination, but the video has to be enjoyable for everyone!
-Your sound recording devices: The general quality of your voice and general mic based sounds.
-The sounds incorporated: Again the video has to be enjoyable, If you put 50 times "Doctor freeman" track sounds in the video it might do you some harm.
-Music: The general thing, how is you music incorporated in the video. Also the copyrights !

So, I hope this covers it for now. I'm still working on it don't worry !

Correct as of July 25 2013
  • Ramdomus
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Last Edit: 10 years, 1 month ago by Ramdomus.
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