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Gogurt Unban Request
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TOPIC: Gogurt Unban Request

Gogurt Unban Request 12 years, 2 months ago #82038

RP NAME: Gogurt
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:31259096
Who banned you: Reegz
Reason Given: (I didn't save it)
For how long? 1 week and 1 day

I keep getting banned for stupid reasons, even though I genually want to role play and have fun. This time I was banned because I couldn't explain my reasoning behind demote.

This 'mistake' on my part could have been easily avoided with a reminder of the rules, but instead I get bullied by the players who raided me (this admin I've seen delete peoples props and break into their bases) and then banned.

The reason I did demote was because they raided with a civilian and used the excuse that he 'only joined them'. Five minutes later, when I returned to my base, they followed and killed us again, me and Leon. This admin has picked a side and has expected me to learn something from a ban without through explanation and harsh punishment. His actions lead me to think not only has he been doing this for a tong time but also sick of these minor problems and has an agenda that is unfriendly toward new players. The more I look through these unban requests I see they are all minor rule breakers, new to the RP.

My fun on this server has been ruined by people who only RP by raiding non-stop, Prop Killers and CDM'ers, and by this admin banning me instead of clarifying the rules, which until today have been very confusing or nonexistent. I would appropriated an unban so I can continue having fun on the server.
  • Gogurt
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As seen on TV.

Re: Gogurt Unban Request 12 years, 2 months ago #82040

Newrules can be found HERE.

These new RP Server Rules come into effect on Monday 19th March 2012. We reserve the right to ban your steam account from the server if you fail to follow these rules.

• Do not Random Demote - Demoting randomly, or demoting for an invalid reason such as "noob" or "idiot."

Solo raiding as a gangster is NOT against the rules or a demotable offense.
  • Reegz
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Last Edit: 12 years, 2 months ago by Reegz.

Re: Gogurt Unban Request 12 years, 2 months ago #82042

It seems like there is no point for me to go on the server anymore, these posts gurantee that I will constantly be raided and bullied if I return to the server.
My points were completely missed and these rules only promote experienced players continue to bully the players with lower experience, and now it is admin approved.

Clocket, I didn't rage demote, and using this term only prevents the discussion from moving on. At that time the rules were unclear and I continued to look for the rule that allowed this (still unclear on the new rule list). I was given no time to explain my actions and met with a harsh one sided ban.

Honestly why is there such a harsh punishment for a demote when last night people were demoting each other for reason of homosexual or n***** with no justice brought to them? The idea of a video game is to have fun, and I was having fun until this. Only when I demote someone associated to an admin do I get banned, when propkillers and CDMers still pollute the server?
  • Gogurt
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As seen on TV.

Re: Gogurt Unban Request 12 years, 2 months ago #82048

Also, i understand that an admin or moderators job can be hard, but like he said, he doesn't have as much experience to the wonderful world of FP, as the more experienced players do. I clarified to him after, that solo raiding as gangster is acceptable. But, was banned shortly after. I admit, i was raging, but i only made one public post, i just teed me off a little that if i raided as a citizen, with about 5 admins on, id'e get a 2 week ban, but when Rhys does it, it just gets left off. The admins are being a little harsh now, but i have noticed ban time reduced. But before a ban, there should be some warnings like a freeze, slay, or a jail. None stop all day, iv'e had to stop RPing to jail, and fight off constant prop killers and blockers. Just minges in general, until Reegz came along and saved the day! Haha like i said, i understand how hard an admins job can be, and rages don't help. But, as you can tell, Gogurt is not a minge, therefor, should be taken in as a member of Friendly players.
  • Leon James!
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Re: Gogurt Unban Request 12 years, 2 months ago #82062

Wasn't raiding.

I was just with quade and clocket... Get your facts straight...
  • Reegz
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Re: Gogurt Unban Request 12 years, 2 months ago #82081

Oh my bad. ;P
  • Leon James!
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Last Edit: 12 years, 2 months ago by Leon James!.
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