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Unban Request u4ic STEAM_0:1:42876785
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TOPIC: Unban Request u4ic STEAM_0:1:42876785

Re: Unban Request u4ic STEAM_0:1:42876785 10 years, 7 months ago #186831

1. You don't know anything about my ban and weren't on the server at the time

2. What's your problem

3. I know that I won't get any support because everyone on the server thinks I am a troll when I'm not, but the admins will have to budge eventually because they are at least in part in the wrong. Moving the ban down to a month for all of us would be just fine by me.
  • u4ic
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Last Edit: 10 years, 7 months ago by u4ic.
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Re: Unban Request u4ic STEAM_0:1:42876785 10 years, 7 months ago #186832

Oh cool I saw this coming. Okay for a first, I am being as friendly as possible but is nearlyimpossible in your current state and minges are not handled well here. The only minges who are alowed here are the ones who act mature, appologize for their actions, and take the damn ban. If it's a permaban, then gg brah, nice playing with ya, and just leave peacefully. But you sir don't think that going away preacefully is one of your options and goes on the forums, makes up an unbelievable story making the admins look bad, and probablywill most likely disappear once the admins get punished or some other selfish reason.
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Love you bby

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Re: Unban Request u4ic STEAM_0:1:42876785 10 years, 7 months ago #186835

1. Um I know friends that were playing on the server at the time of your ban and they tell me you were mic spamming.
2. My problem is Shut the hell up and take the ban please, don't waste your life on the internet complaining about a game.
3. Obviously you are a troll and we all know you wont get support except from your friends, and the admins will never budge on this ban. Also you deserve to be banned forever so just stop wasting your time and deal with it.
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Re: Unban Request u4ic STEAM_0:1:42876785 10 years, 7 months ago #186838

u4ic wrote:
I will be your "guess" and say that you, too, aren't being a very friendly player which makes me wonder how you got into this friendly player community. Oh wait, you paid Diamond VIP and people like people who pay to keep the servers running. That's probably why. I'm not lying, I'm defending myself to try and get unbanned from this server, and I assume that if you were in my position you would do the same.

no i don't think we will budge, you have been on trolling for a while and so its no surprise you got banned you have been warned in the past you know what you were doing was wrong now enjoy your ban and thank you for choosing friendly players don't come again. (of course its up to the admins who ban you not me)
  • Frozenglory
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Re: Unban Request u4ic STEAM_0:1:42876785 10 years, 7 months ago #186840

Arright u4ic, 3 admins and several regular players are against you. It's safe to say that it's officially over for you. Once again, thanks for playing Friendly Players TTT and hope you have a wonderful day. Someone lock please.
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Re: Unban Request u4ic STEAM_0:1:42876785 10 years, 7 months ago #186841

Moderator, I request this topic be locked and u4ic be forum banned. This has degraded to a flame war and he's just fanning the flames.

As for the ban, first, learn to read, it's obvious Silent banned you and makes you seem like a troll for going after Slyther. Second, I always trust another staff members word above a player's, and when you get on and slander or insult other people of the community, it usually doesn't end well.
  • Sypher40
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John 1:3: "All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made."

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. - Albert Einstein

Magnanimousity wrote:

Slyther wrote:
Hi, I'm Sly. I like fire.

Pony wrote:
I almost said I was a Traitor, but stopped myself. Shit.
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