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The Truth Behind: Mike (Ex Locksman) Richards
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TOPIC: The Truth Behind: Mike (Ex Locksman) Richards

The Truth Behind: Mike (Ex Locksman) Richards 14 years, 2 months ago #29936

Mike may see friendly at first, however be cautious, this fifteen year old has the mind of a five year old.

In this topic we will uncover the truth behind Mike Richards.

These pictures are all you should need to know.

Mike claims he is fifteen years old, however under the shell of all of his bravado there is a weak and sad young boy. He makes up for his E-pen by spamming chat with \"lololololol\" and racist comments
Note his avatar. He is your general /b/tard, replying with memes such as \"orly and yarly\". He commonly propblocks his house on the roleplay server, something you might have seen him do.

One would say that he suffers from schizophrenia, however the truth is much, much worse.

When posed with a simple question, such as \"How was your day?\" He replies with \"Omg you love me, oh my god youre gay OMG YOU LOVEH ME\"
He is a shy person, afraid to say anything about his life for fear of consequences.

The rest of the questions are too unserious to be posted as serious information, in the words of the man himself; \"i just l33t\"

His assumed timetable consists of school, homework, Garry's mod, and sleep, and this could mean that he is socially rejected.

When asked more questions, he doesn't reply.

Thank you gentlemen for reading.
  • TrulliLulli
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Re:The Truth Behind: Mike (Ex Locksman) Richards 14 years, 2 months ago #29940

His steam name just sums everything up for me about this lost soul on a trip to rejection from the human race....
  • Cowman
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Re:The Truth Behind: Mike (Ex Locksman) Richards 14 years, 2 months ago #29960

He be trolling.
  • Bigronnie3
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