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Rock music is ruined.
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TOPIC: Rock music is ruined.

Re:Rock music is ruined. 14 years, 7 months ago #22537

You want to get a nice bit of old school rock,an a bit of hiphop from before it got shit, with real gangsters rappin about real life, not all money an women like it is now. a bit of death metal never hurt anyone, nor did a couple of prog metal songs

Go listen to:
Led Zeppelin - pretty much any song they did, theyre all epic
Lynyrd Skynyrd - likewise, it was all good, if a bit folk musicy at times
GZA - Liquid Swords album (easily the best hiphop album ever made)
InFlames, if ur into ur death metal, Come Clarity is my fave album.

Theres plenty more epic music, but thats the most listened to stuff on my ipod atm

Re:Rock music is ruined. 14 years, 6 months ago #23711

I agree with Munching on my Wincake, the old school rap was the best at that time.
  • stevala
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Re:Rock music is ruined. 14 years, 6 months ago #23791

I dissagree that rock is 'dead'. There are many rock bands, new and old that are still huge in the music industry.
All you have to do is go to a local gig to realise that there are many up-comming rock bands.

I like pretty much all genras of music and I am a musical person myself (I play drums).

Correct me if I'm wrong. But you seem to be forcing your oppinion to the forums that rock is dead and your favoretrt genras are the right ones to listen to.

What you need to do it look around for a rock band you like rather than assuming they're all the same.

Other than that I'll add some bands to the list:

DnB - Pendulum, Dub Step, DJ Squaddie
Club/hardcore - Angerfist, Darren Styles, HIXXY
Hardcore - Deez Nuts, Your Demise, I Killed the Prom Queen
Rock - You me at six, Jimmy eat world, the blackout
  • Vesikau
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