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Rogue's Teamspeak application
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TOPIC: Rogue's Teamspeak application

Rogue's Teamspeak application 9 years, 1 month ago #227988

Steam Name: Obama gon feed my chalt (I'm going to change it don't worry)

Forum Name: *Rogue*

Team Speak Name(if different from Forum): Rogue

What server(s) are you active on?: Mainly the Teamspeak server, I am trying to get more active and contribute more.

Age: 13 (14 on May 8th)

I am From: New Jersey, United States.

Member of the Friendly Players Steam Group?: Yes.

Time spent with Friendly Players: I would estimate 2 and half years. I spent just about over a year on the staff team on the Dark RP server.

How much time do you spend on the TS3 Server?: I get on as often as possible, as of now I get on a few times throughout the week and don't really have a steady schedule. But I am trying to come on more often and contribute more.

Why You?: I have held powers responsibly in the past on the Dark RP server, I believe because of this I can be trusted to moderate the Teamspeak server. I also think I would be able to make sure that in channels no users are breaking any rules, and efficiently since I have experience as a former staff member. I also will make sure that my possible colleagues , fellow moderators and administrators, are doing their job correctly and not abusing powers. I don't just want to be the guy who enforces rules and is some kind of "Big Meanie" but somebody who is there to assist you if you need help.

  • *Rogue*
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Re: Rogue's Teamspeak application 9 years, 1 month ago #228013

*Rogue* wrote:
If you aint got wheels, you gon have to walk
  • Wilfred
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Last Edit: 9 years, 1 month ago by Wilfred.
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