Steam Name:spencer_fsu
Current Position:Member How long have you had this position:Since the April week 3 meeting Why you deserve a promotion:I feel like I deserve this promotion because I have been a member long enough to know the ins and outs of being a FriendlyPlayers staff member. I try to stay active on the serve and I get on as much as I can. But sometimes I cant get on due to school or work. However, when I am on I try to be as helpful as I can, doing as many f1's as possible so that we can keep everyone on the server satisfied. When I am handling situations I sometimes find it hard to deal with if a higher ranked staff is not on because without the tp function its hard for me to get to someone who may be breaking the rules. The kick feature will also be helpful because it can be more effective than a slay/freeze. Thank you for considering my application... |
Last Edit: 9 years, 8 months ago by Natsuki.
+Support Master of "Hey wake up" and very helpful! |
Last Edit: 9 years, 8 months ago by Snowball.
bump for the always possible fp revival
I still support this