Someone is harassing me or making offensive comments

Please read our Terms of Service for information on what sort of communications are not acceptable across our services. Generally, you should never reveal personal details (such as telephone number, or home address). If someone is asking you for personal information, sending harassing comments, threats or making offensive remarks report the user to Friendly Players immediately and action will be taken against the user.

Always report users breaking our terms of service to the team immediately, don't delete any evidence of the offensive content and block these users where possible. Then, leave it to Friendly Players to take action against the user. For more information about keeping safe online visit the Get Safe Online website.

Friendly Players

The Friendly Players Community:

  • Great Fun (every day)
  • New Events and competitions
  • All ages welcome join today!
  • Sign up is easy!

Got a suggestion?

  • Do you have a bright idea or suggestion for one of our servers or for the community itself? Post it in the forum!

    Friendly Players Forum

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We're looking for server admins

  • Do you think you could help out on any of our servers as a new administrator? We're always looking for great new talent to join our team and help expand our community.
  • Our team is growing all the time, post an application over in the Forums for your favorite server and we will look through it in our monthly team meeting. Good Luck!

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